Code Name Listing - G
Copyright © 2005 Andreas Parsch
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Gallant Hand | A large scale joint-service training exercise held in 1972 at Fort Hood at which 23,000 soldiers and airmen participated. |
Gallant Knight | A command post exercise of the Rapid Deployment Force. |
Gallant Shield | Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) directed and coordinated exercise. |
Game Warden | The name for the use of helicopters in Vietnam. |
Garlic Salt | sub-version of Rivet Stand, KC-135A '55-3121', '59-1465', '59-1514', 1964-1969, modified under Big Safari |
Gentle Wind | A Joint Chiefs of Staff coordinated exercise. |
Gentry | classified (nuclear) strategic weapons program |
Gerboise Bleu | Operation, [...] |
Get Well | A program on Tartar/Terrier/Talos to improve deficiencies in missile ships already built or under construction. |
Ghost Cabin | A BMEWS monitor tanker route. |
Ghost Rider II | An Air Force drone contingency plan. |
Ghost Walk | Operational tests by the Air Force of the Quail missile (ADM-20). |
Giant Ax | Air Force implementation of a security plan. |
Giant Ball | An Air Force Airborne Command Post (ABNCP) ALCC exercise. |
Giant Balloon | A track from Seattle, WA to Battle Mountain, NV. |
Giant Beam | A Strategic Air Command evaluation of the APS-23 and ALT-6B system. |
Giant Bear | An SR-71 refueling support system worldwide. |
Giant Bid | U-2 utilization of electronic recon equipment |
Giant Blaze | Strategic Air Command flare employment program. |
Giant Bracket | Strategic Air Command operational test and evaluation of B-52 cell tactic. |
Giant Cane | Strategic Air Command exploitation of electronics system 32B. |
Giant Cherry | An Air Force terrain avoidance calibration program. |
Giant Cobra TTF | OpOrd for KC-135s from U-Tapao RTNAB, to supplement support of tactical strikes in Laos, 1966+ |
Giant Combo | Strategic Air Command operational test and evaluation of an ECM test and flight plan. |
Giant Deal | A Strategic Air Command training operation. |
Giant Dragon | U-2 deployment to OL-20 (Bien Hoa) |
Giant Duel | Operational test and evaluation of QRC ALT-22 and QRC ALT-6 systems. |
Giant Eagle | A program to divert ARC light recovery (NAFTAN bombing range). |
Giant Elk | An SR-71 reconnaissance worldwide program. |
Giant Fish | Modification of 4 B-52Hs: '60-0024', '60-0033', '60-0051', '60-0052' for atmospheric radiation sampling |
Giant Flash | An over-the-target motion picture documentation. |
Giant Foot | An Air Force missile launch without instrumentation. |
Giant Fox | An operational readiness inspection exercise from ICBM units. |
Giant Hand | Air Force return of aircraft from depots. |
Giant Lance | Selective employment of air ground alert forces. |
Giant Leap | An SR-71 reconnaissance operation. |
Giant Match | Strategic Air Command program involving the B-52 aircraft and the AN/ALR-18 system. |
Giant Moon | Test program for emergency rocket communications system. |
Giant Move | A test of B-52 Tactical Air Command maneuver and flight plan. |
Giant Nail | OpOrd for U-2s in SEA, operational employment of U-2 aircraft in SEA |
Giant Net | An Air Force exercise recall after execution. |
Giant Opponent | A bomber defensive formation test. |
Giant Patriot | The code name describes an operational base launch program of test flights of Minuteman II missiles. The program was terminated by Congressional edict in July 1974. |
Giant Plate | OpOrd for SR-71A flights near/over Cuba, flown from Beale AFB, code changed to Clipper, 1960s |
Giant Plow | An Air Force Minuteman launcher closure test program. |
Giant Prize | Identification of Strategic Air Command operational test and evaluation of AN/ALQ-16 T-2 flight plan. |
Giant Profit | A Minuteman modified operational missile test plan. |
Giant Quest | An SR-71 stateside base contingency operation. |
Giant Rally | The capability for conducting strikes in the post attack era. |
Giant Reach | An SR-71 overseas based contingency operation. |
Giant Roar | Limited range operational base launches. |
Giant Roof | A missile communications improvement program. |
Giant Scale | OpOrd for SR-71A flights over North Vietnam, flown from Kadena AB, Okinawa, 1960/70s |
Giant Shadow | A Strategic Air Command operational test and evaluation of a tactical chaff test and flight plan. |
Giant Stage | An Air Force tanker task force operation at March AFB, CA. |
Giant Step | An Air Force special radio traffic program. |
Giant Stride | Strategic Air Command bomber participation in ECM terminal testing. |
Giant Talk | SAC communications/radio network |
Giant Task | An Air Force special reconnaissance mission. |
Giant Thrust | A specific guidance conducting security vulnerability test. |
Giant View | An Air Force program involving the NUDETS missile surveillance technology program. |
Giant Viper | a British trailer designed to blast a passage for vehicles through a minefield. It is towed by a tank, APC or special tractor. It is now on standardization loan to the US Army under the International Materiel Evaluation Program. |
Giant Voice | The 1971 Strategic Air Command Bombing and Navigation Competition at McCoy AFB, Orlando, FL. |
Giant Wave | A SAC (Strategic Air Command) exercise involving two B-52D aircraft. |
Gigantic Charge | Program to notify NORAD of all or part of strategic integrated operational plan (SIOP) targeting for Minuteman. |
Gigantic Jam | Testing by the Tactical Air Command of ALT-28 electronic countermeasures equipment. |
Gin Andy | Code name reference to the AN/FPN-16 navigational radar set built by ITT for the Air Force and used at air bases in fixed sites. |
Gin Player | SAC tests of Minuteman missile for identification and execution. |
Ginger Cup | A Strategic Air Command strike mission in Southeast Asia. |
Gipsy Fan | Peacetime aerial reconnaissance program of Strategic Air Command. |
Girdle Strap | An Air Force degree of exercise play intentions program. |
Glad News | Identification of a specific location within Strategic Air Command. |
Glad Notice | An Air Force Practice launch exercise. |
Glad Rags | A Strategic Air Command program restricting commanders to base. |
Glad Spree | B-52 aircraft deploying and redeploying from Andersen AFB, Guam |
Glamor Girl | A program to move SR-71 aircraft to Europe. |
Glass Blade | A Strategic Air Command tactical aircraft dispersal exercise. |
Glass Display | Strategic Air Command operational test and evaluation of B-52 equipment. |
Glass Key | OpOrd for KC-135s from CCK, to supplement Young Tiger and Arc Light missions, 1968+ |
Glass Nozzle | An Early Warning monitor for the Thule BMEWS site. |
Glass Organ | Strategic Air Command support of an annual training exercise using KC-135 aircraft. |
Glass Point | A Strategic Air Command route to and from the Spanish Atlantic. |
Glass Ring | A project within the Air Force Quick Reaction Capability (QRC) program. |
Glass Shield | A program to identify Strategic Air Command operational test and evaluation of B-52 electronic countermeasures equipment. |
Global Shield | An annual exercise for units of the Strategic Air Command. |
Glory Road | An exercise term for a specified Strategic Air Command message. |
Glory Trip | Strategic Air Command operational test launches of ICBM missiles. |
Glowing Beam | A Strategic Air Command program to identify the operational test and evaluation of a B-52 radar modification. |
Glowing Fire | A joint test directive. |
Glowing Heat | SR-71A swap-out excerise, replacing airframes from Kadena AB, Okinawa, with airframes from Palmdale, CA, 1968/69 |
Glowing Iron | The exercise of a preplanned force positioning. |
Glowing Lamp | A SAC (Strategic Air Command) test of the Titan 2 missile. |
Glowing Scope | An Air Force program involving jamming bomber navigation and terrain avoidance systems. |
Golden Ray | A classified ECM (Electronic Countermeasures) project. |
Goose Bay | Lowell Technological Institute Research Foundation worked on this study for the Air Force. |
Grand Slam | A version of the SLAM missile system which could go on ships of destroyer size and larger; an underwater-to-surface missile. |
Grass Blade | A classified Army research and development program in advanced development. |
Gray Rock | An Army Missile Command seeker. |
Great Bear | [...] |
Green Elephant | A classified USMC (Marine Corps) project. Also called TSQ-89. |
Green Grass | A highly-classified NSA (National Security Agency) program with Honeywell-Orlando and RCA involved. |
Green Hornet | An Air Force effort to develop a booster with a "Shrouded Agena" to support payloads nearly 10 feet in diameter, twice the current size. McDonnell Douglas is working on this project for NASA. |
Greener Pastures | An Army program for using Raytheon Hawk boosters with a 1,000 lb. bomb warhead with twice the range of the non-nuclear Lance, using the Lance launcher and distance measuring equipment. |
Greenland Sea | The University of Washington conducted studies on this project for the Navy. |
Guardian Eagle | An Air Force project under Aeronautical Systems Division. It is a classified design feasibility study of an infrared sensor on an aircraft. |
Guardian Challenge | 'Exercise', AFSPC, annual space and missile competition (1960s to 2000+), winner gets Blanchard Trophy, Aldridge Trophy, Schriever Trophy, GC 98: at Vandenberg AFB, CA, 05/04/1998 - 05/07/1998, GC 00: at Vandenberg AFB, CA, 05/01/2000 - 05/05/2000) |
Guardrail | US Army program, operational in former Federal Republic of Germany and in the Republic of Korea; SIGINT and D/F gear platformed on the U-21 (Models RU-21E and RU-21H); active since 1970. Guardrail (Improved): Enhanced system becoming operational in the early-1980s; jam-proof datalink, automatic emitter acquisition and classification, accurate INS; based on U-21 |
Gunship (I) | 26 C-47 converted to FC-47D, AC-47D gunships |
Gunship II | C-130 gunships, including: 1 JC-130A, 7 Plain Jane AC-130A, 1 Surprise Package AC-130A, 10 Pave Pronto AC-130A, 11 Pave Spectre (I) AC-130E, 10 Pave Spectre II AC-130H 'Spectre', and 12+ (Pave Spectre III or maybe Pave Spooky ?) AC-130U 'Spooky') |
Gunship III | 26 AC-119G 'Shadow' and 26 AC-119K 'Stinger' gunships |
Gusto | [...] |
Gypsy Danger | A classified CNO (Chief of Naval Operations project supported by Rewson). |
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Last Updated: 11 May 2005