SBU/SBK to SXU - Equipment Listing

Copyright © 2001-2024 Andreas Parsch

[AxU] [BxU] [CxU] [DxU] [ExU] [FxU] [GxU] [HxU] [JxU] [KxU] [LxU] [MxU] [NxU] [PxU] [RxU] [SxU] [TxU] [VxU] [WxU]

Index of ASETDS Designation Listings

SBU/SBK - Stabilizing Devices
SDU/SDK - Signal Devices
SEU - Seats
SGU - Ground Starters
SHU/SHK - Shelters
SJU - Ejection Seats
SKU/SKK - Seat Kits
SMU/SMK - Simulators
SPU - Mine-Sweeping Items
SRU - Survival Items
STU - Engine-Installed Starters
SUU - Stores Release and Suspension Units
SVU - Servomechanisms
SWU/SWK - Electrical Switches
SXU - Scoring Devices

SBU/SBK - Stabilizing Devices

SBK-1/A24G-5 Displacement Gyro
(2...5) (No information)
SBU-6/A Roll and Pitch Displacement Gyroscope
SBU-7/A Displacement Gyroscope
SBK-8/A24G-1A Displacement Gyro Assembly
(9...10) (No information)
SBK-11/A24G-26 Displacement Gyroscope
(12) (No information)
SBU-13/A Rate Gyro Assembly
(14...15) (No information)
SBK-16/A24G-42 Displacement Gyro Assembly
(17...20) (No information)
SBU-21/A Displacement Gyro
(22) (No information)
SBU-23/A Displacement Gyroscope

SDU/SDK - Signal Devices

SDU-1/A Aircraft Emergency Crew Warning Horn
SDU-2/A Aircraft Position Light Flasher
(3) (No information)
SDU-4/U Aircraft Traffic Light Gun
SDU-5/E Distress Marker Strobe Light
SDU-6/B Red Phosphorus Target Marker; used in AGM-78A/B
SDU-7/A Servo Failure Alarm Monitor
SDU-8/A Servo Failure Alarm Monitor
(9...14) (No information)
SDK-15/P25S-1 Personnel Distress Signal
(16...27) (No information)
SDU-28/A Aircraft Smoke & Illumination Signal
SDU-29/B White Phosphorus Target Marker; used in AGM-78C/D
SDU-30/P Distress Light Marker
(31...33) (No information)
SDU-34/A Air Pressure Warning Alarm System; used in E-3A (probably part of AN/APY-1, -2)
(35...36) (No information)
(38) (No information)
SDU-39/N Distress Marker Strobe Light
SDU-40/A Signal Display Panel Assembly; used in MC-130W

SEU - Seats

(1...2) (No information)
SEU-3/A Lightweight Ejection Seat; manufactured by Stencel; used in AV-8A

SGU - Ground Starters

SGU-1/E Starter Control
SGU-2/E Air Turbine Engine Starter

SHU/SHK - Shelters

SHU-1/F Aircraft Servicing Dock
SHU-3/F Aircraft Servicing Dock
SHU-4/F Aircraft Servicing Dock
SHU-5/F Aircraft Servicing Dock
SHU-6/F Aircraft Servicing Dock
(7...8) (No information)
(14) (No information)
SHU-15/E Guided Missile Ground Service Cover; used with LGM-30
SHU-16/E Guided Missile Ground Service Cover; used with LGM-30
(17) (No information)
(20...33) (No information)
SHK-34/E99K-1 Shelter Subassembly
SHU-35/M Maintenance Equipment and Personnel Shelter
(36...39) (No information)
SHU-40/E Expandable Shelter

SJU - Ejection Seats

(1...3) (No information)
SJU-4/A Ejection Seat; manufactured by Stencel; used in AV-8B
SJU-5/A Ejection Seat; manufactured by Martin-Baker (Model Mk.10); used in F/A-18B/D(back), F/A-18A/C
SJU-6/A Ejection Seat; manufactured by Martin-Baker (Model Mk.10); used in F/A-18B/D(front)
(7) (No information)
SJU-8/A Ejection Seat; manufactured by Stencel; used in A-7
SJU-11/A Ejection Seat; manufactured by Stencel; used in TA-7
SJU-12/A Ejection Seat; manufactured by Stencel; used in TA-7
SJU-13/A Ejection Seat; manufactured by Stencel; used in TAV-8B
SJU-14/A Ejection Seat; manufactured by Stencel; used in TAV-8B
(15...16) (No information)
SJU-17/A NACES (Navy Aircrew Common Ejection Seat); manufactured by Martin-Baker (Model Mk.14); used in F/A-18C/D/E/F, F-14D, T-45A/C

SKU/SKK - Seat Kits

(1) (No information)
SKU-2/A Seat Survival Kit; used in F-14A/B, EA-6B; replaced by SKU-12/A
SKU-3/A Seat Survival Kit; used with SJU-5/A, SJU-6/A
SKU-4/A Seat Survival Kit
(5) (No information)
SKU-6/A Seat Survival Kit; used with SJU-4/A
SKU-7/A Seat Survival Kit; used with SJU-17(V)3/A, SJU-17(V)4/A; used in F-14D
(8) (No information)
SKK-9/P22P-11 Life Raft & Survival Kit; used in E-2C
SKU-10/A Seat Survival Kit; used with SJU-17(V)1/A, SJU-17(V)2/A; used in F/A-18C/D/E/F
SKU-11/A Seat Survival Kit; used with SJU-17(V)5/A, SJU-17(V)6/A; used in T-45
SKU-12/A Seat Survival Kit; used in F-14A/B, EA-6B; replaced SKU-2/A

SMU/SMK - Simulators

(1...2) (No information)
SMU-3/F Instrument Flying Trainer
(4...8) (No information)
(11...12) (No information)
(14) (No information)
(17) (No information)
(20...21) (No information)
SMK-22/F37A-T ?? Visual Simulator Trainer Attachment
SMK-23/F37A-T ?? Visual Simulator Trainer Attachment
(25...42) (No information)
SMK-43/F37A-T ?? Visual Simulator Trainer Attachment
(44...55) (No information)
(57) (No information)
(60...63) (No information)
SMU-64/A Bomb/Rocket Dispenser Switch Box Simulator
SMU-65/E ?? Compressor Bleed Air Simulator
(66...74) (No information)
SMU-75/A Bomb/Rocket Dispenser Selector Simulator
(76...86) (No information)
(88...91) (No information)
(93) (No information)
SMK-95/F37A-T Visual Flight Trainer Simulator Group
SMU-97/F Partial Disorientation Simulator Trainer; manufactured by Flightmatics
(98) (No information)
(101...113) (No information)
SMU-114/A "Blazer" Infrared Augmentation Device; manufactured by Meggitt; used with BQM-34, BQM-74, MQM-107, TDU-34/A
(115...116) (No information)
(118...123) (No information)
SMU-124/E "Smokey Sam" Surface-to-Air Missile Simulator; uses GTR-18A rocket
(125...126) (No information)
SMU-127/E Laser Target Simulator; used with AGM-65

SPU - Mine-Sweeping Items

SPU-1/W Magnetic Orange Pipe

SRU - Survival Items

SRU-1/P 4 Man Pyramidal Survival Tent
(2...5) (No information)
SRU-6/P Extreme Cold Weather Survival Overcoat
(7...9) (No information)
SRU-10/P Extreme Cold Weather Survival Mittens
(11) (No information)
SRU-12/P Extreme Cold Weather Survival Foot Sack
SRU-13/P Extreme Cold Weather Survival Footwear
(14) (No information)
SRU-15/P Parachute Bailout Sleeping Bag
SRU-16/P Parachute Pack Survival Kit
(17) (No information)
SRU-18/P Survival Kit
SRU-19/P Survival Kit/Chaps
SRU-20/P Survival Vest
SRU-21/P Survival Vest
SRU-22/P Signal Marker; manufactured by ACR Electronics Div.
SRU-23/P Parachute Bailout Sleeping Bag
SRU-24/P Parachute Bailout Sleeping Bag
SRU-25/P Anti-Exposure Rubber Socks
(26...30) (No information)
SRU-31/P Medical & General Survival Kit; used with SRU-21/P
SRU-32/P Survival Vest
(33) (No information)
SRU-34/P Survival Vest
(35) (No information)
SRU-36/P HEED (Helicopter Emergency Egress Device)
SRU-37/P Life Raft and Container Assembly
(38...39) (No information)
SRU-40/P HABD (Helicopter Aircrew Breathing Device)
(41) (No information)
SRU-42/P Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus

STU - Engine-Installed Starters

STU-1/A Air Turbine Engine Starter
(2...3) (No information)
STU-4/A Engine Starter-Generator
(5) (No information)
STU-6/A Engine Starter-Generator
(7) (No information)
STU-8/A24 Engine Starter-Generator
(9...10) (No information)
STU-11/A34 Cartridge/Pneumatic Engine Starter
(12) (No information)
(14) (No information)
STU-16/A Air Turbine Engine Starter
(17) (No information)
STU-18/A34 Air Cartridge Engine Starter
(19) (No information)
STU-20/A34 Cartridge/Pneumatic Engine Starter
(21) (No information)
STU-22/A34 Cartridge/Pneumatic Engine Starter
STU-23/A24 Engine Starter-Generator
STU-24/A Electrical Engine Starter
(25...27) (No information)
(29...30) (No information)

SUU - Stores Release and Suspension Units

Notes about extended SUU listing:

SUU-1/A Outboard Weapons Pylon
SUU-2/A Inboard Weapons Pylon
SUU-3/A Fuselage Weapons Pylon
(4...6) (No information)

The SUU-7( )/A series was the U.S. Air Force's first general-purpose submunitions dispenser. It consisted of 19 tubes of 70 mm (2.75 in) diameter, which could be filled with several different types of bomblets. The SUU-7( )/A dispenser itself remained on the delivery aircraft, while its submunitions were ejected rearwards through the open ends of the tubes. There were SUU-7/A, SUU-7A/A, SUU-7B/A and SUU-7C/A variants, which differed in electrical components, number of loaded tubes, tube firing sequence, and safety devices. Further variants of the same basic dispenser design were designated in the SUU-10( )/A series.

Photo: via ORDATA Online Website
SUU-7B/A (loaded as CBU-12/A)

The SUU-7( )/A was used for the following cluster bombs:

  • CBU-1/A (509 BLU-4/B in SUU-7/A)
  • CBU-1A/A
  • CBU-2/A (360 BLU-3/B in SUU-7/A)
  • CBU-2A/A
  • CBU-2B/A (409 BLU-3/B in SUU-7/A)
  • CBU-2C/A
  • CBU-8/A (409 BDU-27/B in SUU-7A/A)
  • CBU-8A/A
  • CBU-9/A (406 BDU-28/B in SUU-7A/A)
  • CBU-9A/A (406 BDU-28/B in SUU-7B/A)
  • CBU-9B/A
  • CBU-11/A (261 BLU-16/B in SUU-7B/A)
  • CBU-12/A (261 BLU-17/B in SUU-7B/A)
  • CBU-12A/A (261 BLU-17/B in SUU-7C/A)
  • CBU-13/A (261 smoke bomblets (mix of BLU-16/B and BLU-17/B) in SUU-7B/A)
  • CBU-46/A (640 BLU-24/B or BLU-66/B in SUU-7C/A)

The components of the CBU-1A/A, -2A/A, -2C/A, -8A/A and -9B/A are unknown. Additional subvariants of SUU-7( )/A based clusters probably existed as well.

Data for SUU-7/A:
Length: 3.02 m (9 ft 11 in)
Diameter: 40.6 cm (16 in)

Drawings: via ORDATA Online Website
(8...9) (No information)

The SUU-10( )/A series of dispensers was externally identical to the SUU-7( )/A series, but differed in electrical components, number of loaded tubes, tube firing sequence, and safety devices (details not available). Known variants include the SUU-10/A, SUU-10A/A and SUU-10B/A.

The SUU-10( )/A was used for the following cluster bombs:

  • CBU-3/A (352 BLU-7A/B in SUU-10/A)
  • CBU-3A/A (352 BLU-7/B in SUU-10A/A)
  • CBU-3B/A (371 BLU-7A/B in SUU-10B/A)
  • CBU-26/A (352 BDU-37/B in SUU-10/A)

Data for SUU-10/A:
Length: 3.02 m (9 ft 11 in)
Diameter: 40.6 cm (16 in)

SUU-11/A 7.62mm (0.3 in) Minigun Pod; uses GAU-2/A
SUU-12/A 12.7mm (0.5 in) Machine-Gun Pod

The SUU-13/A was a non-expendable dispenser with 40 downward-ejecting tubes, which could be filled with various types of submunitions. There were also SUU-13A/A, SUU-13B/A, SUU-13C/A and SUU-13D/A versions. No information about differences is available, except that the SUU-13C/A had a higher and the -13D/B a lower empty weight. The SUU-13D/A was used as a mine dispenser in the U.S. Army's M56 mine dispensing subsystem.

Photo: via ORDATA Online Website

The SUU-13( )/A was used for the following cluster bombs:

  • CBU-7/A (1200 BLU-18/B in SUU-13/A)
  • CBU-7A/A (1200 BLU-18/B in SUU-13A/A)
  • CBU-15/A (BLU-19/B23 in SUU-13/A)
  • CBU-16/A (40 CDU-9/B clusters of BLU-20/B23 in SUU-13/A)
  • CBU-16A/A (40 CDU-9/B clusters of BLU-20/B23 in SUU-13A/A)
  • CBU-17/A (1200 BDU-34/B in SUU-13/A)
  • CBU-18/A (BLU-25/B in SUU-13A/A)
  • CBU-28/A (4800 BLU-43/B (40 CDU-2/B clusters of 120 mines each) in SUU-13/A)
  • CBU-30/A (1280 BLU-39/B (40 CDU-12/B clusters of 32 bomblets each) in SUU-13/A)
  • CBU-37/A (4800 BLU-44/B (40 CDU-3/B clusters of 120 mines each) in SUU-13/A)
  • CBU-38/A (40 BLU-49/B in SUU-13/A)
  • CBU-38A/A
  • CBU-38B/A
  • CBU-38C/A
  • CBU-47/A (BLU-55/B in SUU-13/A)
  • CBU-50/A (40 BLU-60/B in SUU-13/A)
  • CBU-51/A (40 BLU-67/B in SUU-13/A)

Additional subvariant designations may have also existed, e.g. for CBUs using the SUU-13A/A through -13C/A dispenser variants. The components of the CBU-38A/A, -38B/A and -38C/A are not known for sure. These designations probably referred to variants using the SUU-13A/A through -13C/A dispensers, but could also cover modified versions of the BLU-49/B submunition.

Data for SUU-13/A:
Length: 2.6 m (8.6 ft)
Width: 37.6 cm (14.8 in)
Height: 36.6 cm (14.4 in)

Drawing: via ORDATA Online Website

The SUU-14/A was a submunition dispenser, which consisted of six separate 70 mm (2.75 in) tubes, which were held together by a central strongback. The submunitions were pushed out of the rear by pistons in the front end of each tube. The SUU-14/A could only be used by low-speed aircraft. There was also an SUU-14A/A variant, but information about the differences is not available.

Photo: via ORDATA Online Website

The SUU-14( )/A was used for the following cluster bombs:

Data for SUU-14/A:
Length: 2.04 m (6.7 ft)
Width: 23.9 cm (9.4 in)

Drawing: via ORDATA Online Website
(15) (No information)
SUU-16/A 20mm Gun Pod; uses M61A1 gun
(17...19) (No information)

The SUU-20/A is a combined rocket pod and bomb dispenser used for training. It contains four 70 mm (2.75 in) rocket tubes, and can hold up to six small (2.3-11.3 kg (5-25 lb)) practice bombs (including types MK 76, MK 106, BDU-33( )/B and BDU-48/B). The SUU-20A/B has an external hardback, and the SUU-20B/B has additional adapter cable connectors on the top.

Data for SUU-20/A:
Length: 3.11 m (10.2 ft)
Width: 49.0 cm (19.3 in)
Height: 31.1 cm (12.25 in)

Drawings: via ORDATA Online Website
Left: SUU-20A/A, Right: SUU-20/A & SUU-20B/A

The SUU-21/A was a practice bomb dispenser for six 11.3 kg (25 lb) bombs (including types MK 76, BDU-23/B and BDU-33( )/B).

Data for SUU-21/A:
Length: 4 m (13 ft)
Diameter: 43.2 cm (17 in)

Drawing: via ORDATA Online Website
(22) (No information)
SUU-23/A 20mm Gun Pod; uses GAU-4/A

The SUU-24/A dispenser was mounted internally in bomber aircraft. It consisted of 24 vertical cells, which could each hold three bomblet adapter units. Submunition options for the SUU-24/A included the BLU-26/B family of anti-personnel fragmentation bombs, the BLU-3/B anti-personnel fragmentation bomb, and the M38 and M40 fragmentation grenades. Loaded SUU-24/A dispensers didn't receive separate CBU designations, possibly because they were not external stores.

Data for SUU-24/A:
Length: 3.35 m (11 ft)
Width: 1.35 m (53 in)
Height: 1.38 m (54.5 in)

Drawing: via ORDATA Online Website
SUU-25/A Flare Dispenser; used for dispensing LUU-1/B, LUU-2/B, LUU-19/B
- SUU-25/A
- SUU-25A/A
- SUU-25B/A
- SUU-25C/A
- SUU-25E/A
- SUU-25F/A
(26...27) (No information)
SUU-28 Submunition Dispenser
(29) (No information)

The SUU-30/B was the U.S. Air Force's first general-purpose submunition dispenser, which didn't release its payload while remaining attached to the delivery aircraft. Instead it was dropped as a whole and opened later in flight. The SUU-30/B series was used in service from the 1970s to the 1990s. Its body consisted of two halves, which opened in a clamshell fashion and dispersed the submunitions at a certain time after release from the aircraft. The dispenser was fitted with four cruciform tailfins. There was also a modified variant of the SUU-30/B (known as "SUU-30/B Mod."), which had slightly larger fins.

Photo: via ORDATA Online Website

The SUU-30A/B had a different suspension and an end plate instead of a retaining ring. It had the larger fins of the SUU-30/B Mod with additional small endplates. The SUU-30B/B was a derivative of the -30A/B, and could be identified by its blunt nose, which also included a fuze well. The SUU-30C/B was externally identical to the -30A/B, but had a different suspension mechanism (with an internal suspension ring). The SUU-30H/B (there is no evidence of -30D/B, -30E/B, -30F/B or -30G/B versions) was another blunt-nosed variant, which was identical to the -30B/B except for tailfins with a different layout of the tip plates.

Drawings: via ORDATA Online Website
SUU-30( )/B

The SUU-30( )/B was used for the following cluster bombs:

Most likely there were additional subvariant designations, e.g. for CBUs with the SUU-30H/B dispenser. Of all the SUU-30( )/B-based cluster bombs, the CBU-52( )/B, CBU-58( )/B and CBU-71( )/B were the most important. The SUU-30( )/B series has been retired from USAF service, and was replaced by the TMD (Tactical Munitions Dispenser SUU-64/B, -65/B and -66/B) family of dispensers.

Data for SUU-30/B:
Length: 2.4 m (7.8 ft)
Diameter: 40.6 cm (16 in)

Data for SUU-30B/B:
Length: 2.1 m (6.8 ft)
Diameter: 41.1 cm (16.2 in)

Drawings: via ORDATA Online Website
SUU-30/B, SUU-30A/B, SUU-30C/B

Drawings: via ORDATA Online Website
SUU-30B/B, SUU-30H/B
SUU-31/B Bomblet Dispenser; used for CBU-23/B (BLU-26/B in SUU-31/B)
(32...35) (No information)

The SUU-36/A was a reusable dispenser, which was used only for the BLU-45/B anti-vehicle mines. 30 BLU-45/B in an SUU-36/A made a CBU-33/A cluster bomb.

Data for SUU-36/A:
Length: 3.61 m (11 ft 10 in)
Width: 38.9 cm (15.3 in)
Height: 41.9 cm (16.5 in)
Finspan: 59.4 cm (23.4 in)

Drawing: via ORDATA Online Website
SUU-37/A Bomblet Dispenser; used for CBU-43/A (CDU-37/B clusters of BLU-48/B in SUU-37/A)

The SUU-38/A dispenser was externally very similar to the SUU-36/A. It contained 10 KMU-338/B adapter kits, each of which held three canisters with 18 mines. The canister-filled KMU-338/B was known by various CDU (cluster adapter) designations, depending on submunition load and minor details. The tailfins of the SUU-38/B could be optionally omitted.

The SUU-38/B was used for the following cluster bombs:

  • CBU-34/A (540 BLU-42/B (10 CDU-18/B or CDU-19/B clusters of 54 mines each) in SUU-38/A)
  • CBU-42/A (540 BLU-54/B (10 CDU-20/B or CDU-21/B clusters of 54 mines each) in SUU-38/A)

Data for SUU-38/A:
Length: 3.61 m (11 ft 10 in)
Width: 38.9 cm (15.3 in)
Height: 41.9 cm (16.5 in)
Finspan: 59.4 cm (23.4 in)

Drawing: via ORDATA Online Website
(39) (No information)
SUU-40/A Flare Dispenser

The SUU-41( )/A series of dispensers was used to disperse "Gravel" mines (see CBU-39/A for a few details about these mines). An SUU-41( )/B contained 10 cluster adapters, each of which could store and release hundreds of mines.

The following configurations of "Gravel" mines in SUU-41( )/A dispensers are known:

  • SUU-41/A with dummy mines
  • CBU-39/A (1500 XM41E1 anti-personnel mines (10 CDU-4/B clusters with 150 mines each) in SUU-41A/A)
  • CBU-40/A (6500 XM40E5 and 480 XM44 anti-intrusion mines (10 CDU-10/B clusters with 650 XM40E5 and 48 XM44 each) in SUU-41A/A)
  • 7500 XM40E5 anti-intrusion mines (10 CDU-5/B clusters with 750 mines each) in SUU-41A/A
  • 1500 XM65 anti-personnel mines (10 CDUs (possibly CDU-14/B) with 150 mines each) in SUU-41B/A

No CBU nomenclature is known for the last two configurations.

Data for SUU-41/A:
Length: 3.61 m (11 ft 10 in)
Width: 38.9 cm (15.3 in)
Finspan: 38.9 cm (15.3 in)

Drawing: via ORDATA Online Website
SUU-42/A Flare Dispenser; used for dispensing LUU-1/B, LUU-2/B, LUU-19/B
- SUU-42/A
- SUU-42A/A
SUU-43/A Buoy/Flare Dispenser
SUU-44/A Parachute Flare and Sonobuoy Dispenser; used for dispensing LUU-1/B, LUU-2/B, LUU-19/B
SUU-45/A High-Speed Tactical Fighter Munitions Dispenser; used on F-105
SUU-46/A Bomb Dispenser
(47) (No information)

The SUU-48/A dispenser was used with the BLU-74/B "Modular Fire Bomb". No CBU nomenclature for the BLU-74/SUU-48 combination is known.


The SUU-49/B dispenser was specifically designed to drop three BLU-73/B FAE (Fuel/Air Explosive) bombs. The SUU-49/B could be carried only by helicopters or low-speed aircraft. The SUU-49A/B had a redesigned strongback and folding tailfins, and could also be delivered by high-speed aircraft.

Photo: via ORDATA Online Website

The SUU-49( )/B was used for the following cluster bombs:

The CBU nomenclature for the SUU-49A/B with three BLU-98/B smoke bombs is unknown, but CBU-88/B (which is known to refer to a smoke cluster bomb called "Smokeye") is a likely option.

Data for SUU-49A/B:
Length: 2.2 m (7.1 ft)
Diameter: 35.6 cm (14 in)
Finspan: 71.9 cm (28.3 in)

Drawings: via ORDATA Online Website
SUU-49/B, SUU-49A/B
SUU-50/A Bomb Dispenser; used for CBU-60/A (264 BLU-24/B in SUU-50/A)

The SUU-51/B was a dispenser for cluster bombs in the 340 kg (750 lb) class. It was equipped with retractable tailfins and a nose-mounted fuze. There was also an SUU-51A/B version, but information about differences from the basic -51/B is not available. The SUU-51B/B was modified for use with a KMU-422/B Paveway laser guidance kit.

The SUU-51( )/B was used for the following cluster bombs:

The BLU-81/B bomblet, and therefore the CBU-66/B, was cancelled. When fitted with a KMU-422/B kit, the CBU-74/B became the GBU-3/B, while the CBU-77/B possibly became the GBU-13/B (but the latter designation is unconfirmed).

Data for SUU-51/B:
Length: 2.74 m (9 ft)
Diameter: 40.6 cm (16 in)

Drawing: via ORDATA Online Website
(52) (No information)
SUU-53/A Catalyst Generator Cartridge Dispenser

The SUU-54/B was a submunition dispenser, which was developed for use in guided bombs, especially the GBU-15(V)/B MGWS (Modular Guided Weapon System). The variant, which was actually used, was designated SUU-54A/B, but no information about the differences from the basic -54/B is available.

The SUU-54A/B was used for the following cluster bombs:

The CBU-75( )/B was to be the payload for the operational GBU-15(V)3/B guided bomb, but this application was cancelled. When fitted with a KMU-421/B guidance kit, the CBU-75/B became the GBU-2/B PAVE STORM laser-guided cluster bomb. The CBU-84/B through -86/B were used for experimental and testing purposes only.

(55...57) (No information)

The U.S. Navy's SUU-58/B dispenser is a derivative of the widely-used MK 7 "Rockeye" series of submuniton dispensers (see also SUU-75/B). It is used for the "Gator" mine system (BLU-91/B and BLU-92/B anti-tank and anti-personnel minelets), and is equipped with a special switch to select the delay of the self-destruct timer for the minelets. Like the MK 7, the SUU-58/B has extendable tailfins and a nose-mounted fuze.

Photo: via ORDATA Online Website

The SUU-58/B is used for the following cluster bombs:

The CBU-78( )/B series are the operational versions, while the CBU-82/B and -83/B were used for experimental and testing purposes only.

Data for SUU-58/B:
Length: 2.4 m (7.9 ft)
Diameter: 33.7 cm (13.25 in)
Finspan (extended): 87.6 cm (34.5 in)

Drawing: via ORDATA Online Website
SUU-59/A Inboard Weapons Pylon of F-15A/B/C/D (SUU-59B/A) and F-15E (SUU-59C/A); uses MAU-12/A (BRU-57/A on -59C/A) rack
SUU-60/A Centerline Weapons Pylon of F-15A/B/C/D; uses MAU-12/A rack
SUU-61/A Outboard Weapons Pylon of F-15A
SUU-62/A Centerline Weapons Pylon of F/A-18
SUU-63/A Wing Weapons Pylon of F/A-18

The TMD (Tactical Munitions Dispenser) family of submunition dispensers has replaced all older expendable dispensers in U.S. Air Force service. All of the TMD's three variants, SUU-64/B, SUU-65/B and SUU-66/B, have several features in common. A TMD has four retractable tailfins, which are extended after the dispenser has been released from the delivery aircraft. The dispenser can be set to release its submunitions either at a fixed time interval after release, or at a preset altitude above ground (triggered by an FZU-39/B proximity sensor in the nose). The TMD's body is made up of three segments, which are explosively separated to disperse the submunitions into the airstream.

Photo: via ORDATA Online Website
SUU-64/B (loaded as CBU-89/B)

The SUU-64/B is the TMD model for air-dropped mines, and is currently used exclusively for the "Gator" mine system (BLU-91/B and BLU-92/B anti-tank and anti-personnel minelets). It is equipped with a special switch to select the delay of the self-destruct timer for the minelets. The SUU-64/B is used for the following cluster bombs:

No information about the difference between the CBU-89/B and -89A/B (or -104/B and -104A/B, which is equivalent) is available. The CBU-98/B was never produced, because the BLU-106/B submunition was cancelled.

Drawing: via ORDATA Online Website

The SUU-65/B has tailfins, which can be canted at a selectable angle to spin the dispenser after release. It is used for submunitions, where centrifugal force is needed to help dispersal. Other than the SUU-64/B and -66/B, the SUU-65/B has no thermal battery, and can therefore not be used for submunitions which require a power supply for internal electronics. The SUU-65/B is used for the following cluster bombs:

  • CBU-87/B (202 BLU-97/B in SUU-65/B)
  • CBU-87A/B (202 BLU-97/B in SUU-65/B)
  • CBU-87B/B (202 BLU-97A/B in SUU-65/B)
  • CBU-90/B (BLU-99/B in SUU-65/B)
  • CBU-92/B (9 BLU-101/B and 3 area-denial submunitions in SUU-65/B)
  • CBU-103/B (202 BLU-97/B in SUU-65/B (= CBU-87/B) + WCMD (Wind-Corrected Munitions Dispenser) tail kit)
  • CBU-103A/B (202 BLU-97/B in SUU-65/B (= CBU-87A/B) + WCMD (Wind-Corrected Munitions Dispenser) tail kit)
  • CBU-103B/B (202 BLU-97A/B in SUU-65/B (= CBU-87B/B) + WCMD (Wind-Corrected Munitions Dispenser) tail kit)
  • CBU-113/B (202 BLU-97/B in SUU-65/B (= CBU-87/B) + WCMD-ER (WCMD - Extended Range) tail kit)
  • CBU-116/B (202 BLU-114/B in SUU-65/B)
  • CBU-118/B (202 BLU-114/B in SUU-65/B (= CBU-116/B) + WCMD (Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser) tail kit)

No information about the difference between the CBU-87/B and -87A/B (or -103/B and -103A/B, which is equivalent) is available. The CBU-90/B and -92/B were never produced, because the BLU-99/B and -101/B submunitions were cancelled.

Drawing: via ORDATA Online Website

The SUU-66/B has uncanted fins like the SUU-64/B, but lacks the latter's timer select switch. It also has a different internal layout, which includes a submunition ejection system. The latter consists of a central spine with inflatable gas bags, which push the submunitions outwards when the dispenser opens.

Photo: Textron Systems

The SUU-66/B is used for the following cluster bombs:

  • CBU-94/B (202 BLU-114/B in SUU-66/B)
  • CBU-97/B (10 BLU-108/B in SUU-66/B)
  • CBU-97A/B (10 BLU-108A/B in SUU-66/B)
  • CBU-97B/B (10 BLU-108B/B in SUU-66/B)
  • CBU-97C/B (10 BLU-108C/B in SUU-66/B)
  • CBU-102/B (202 BLU-114/B in SUU-66/B)
  • CBU-105/B (10 BLU-108/B in SUU-66/B (= CBU-97/B) + WCMD (Wind-Corrected Munitions Dispenser) tail kit)
  • CBU-105A/B (10 BLU-108A/B in SUU-66/B (= CBU-97A/B) + WCMD (Wind-Corrected Munitions Dispenser) tail kit)
  • CBU-105B/B (10 BLU-108B/B in SUU-66/B (= CBU-97B/B) + WCMD (Wind-Corrected Munitions Dispenser) tail kit)
  • CBU-105C/B (10 BLU-108C/B in SUU-66/B (= CBU-97C/B) + WCMD (Wind-Corrected Munitions Dispenser) tail kit)
  • CBU-107/B (3750 non-explosive rods in SUU-66/B + WCMD (Wind-Corrected Munitions Dispenser) tail kit)
  • CBU-115/B (10 BLU-108B/B in SUU-66/B (= CBU-97B/B) + WCMD-ER (WCMD - Extended Range) tail kit)

No information about the difference between the CBU-94/B and -102/B is available.

Drawing: via ORDATA Online Website

Data for SUU-64/B, SUU-65/B and SUU-66/B:
Length: 2.31 m (7.6 ft)
Diameter: 39.75 cm (15.65 in)
Finspan: retracted: 52.0 cm (20.46 in); extended: 1.07 m (42 in)

SUU-67/A Weapons Pylon for AGM-86 on B-52
(68...71) (No information)
SUU-72/A Weapons Pylon for AGM-129A on B-52H
SUU-73/A Centerline Pylon of F-15E; uses BRU-57/A rack
(74) (No information)

The SUU-75( )/B and SUU-76( )/B series of bomblet dispensers are variants of the U.S. Navy's widely used MK 7 "Rockeye" series. The MK 7 is an expendable dispenser which is dropped as a unit by the delivery aircraft. It has retractable tailfins, a nose-mounted fuze, and opens in a clamshell fashion to disperse its payload. The SUU-75( )/B and -76( )/B have an external thermal protection, but further information about differences from the MK 7 series and/or between the SUU-75( )/B and -76( )/B series is not available. The SUU-75/B and SUU-76/B use the MK 339 MOD 1 fuze, while the SUU-75A/B and SUU-76A/B are equipped with an FMU-140/B fuze. There are also SUU-75B/B and SUU-76B/B versions, but details are unavailable. The SUU-76C/B is specifically modified as a leaflet dispenser.

Photo: via ORDATA Online Website
Dispenser MK 7 (exact MOD unknown)

The SUU-75( )/B and SUU-76( )/B are used for the following cluster bombs:

  • CBU-99/B (247 MK 118 MOD 0 anti-tank bomblets in SUU-75/B)
  • CBU-99A/B (247 MK 118 MOD 0 anti-tank bomblets in SUU-75A/B)
  • CBU-99B/B (247 MK 118 MOD 0 anti-tank bomblets in SUU-75B/B)
  • CBU-100/B (247 MK 118 MOD 0 anti-tank bomblets in SUU-76/B)
  • CBU-100A/B (247 MK 118 MOD 0 anti-tank bomblets in SUU-76A/B)
  • CBU-100B/B (247 MK 118 MOD 0 anti-tank bomblets in SUU-76B/B)

Additionally, the SUU-76C/B was used for the PDU-5/B leaflet dispenser.

Data for MK 7 MOD 2 (SUU-75/B and -76/B are similar or identical):
Length: 2.31 m (7.6 ft)
Diameter: 33.7 cm (13.25 in)
Finspan (extended): 87.6 cm (34.5 in)

Drawings: via ORDATA Online Website
Dispenser MK 7 MOD 2,3,4,6
(77) (No information)
SUU-78/A Weapons Pylon (Centerline) on F/A-18E/F
SUU-79/A Weapons Pylon (Wing) on F/A-18E/F
SUU-80/A Weapons Pylon (Low Drag) on F/A-18E/F
(81) (No information)
SUU-82/A Weapons Pylon on HH-60H/J
(83...85) (No information)
SUU-86/A Aircraft Pylon
(87...91) (No information)
SUU-92/A Underwing Weapons Pylon on P-8A; uses BRU-75/A ejector rack
SUU-93/A Weapons Pylon on P-8A; uses BRU-76/A ejector rack
(94) (No information)
SUU-95/A Air-to-Ground Weapons Pylon on F-35
SUU-96/A Air-to-Air Weapons Pylon on F-35
(97...102) (No information)
SUU-103/A Planned Weapons Pylon for AGM-181A on B-52H; refurbished and upgraded SUU-72/A
(5001...5002) (No information)
SUU-5003/A Practice Rocket Launcher & Practice Bomb Dispenser; similar to SUU-20/A

SVU - Servomechanisms

SVU-1/A Gun/Bomb/Rocket Positioning Servo
SVU-2/A Gun/Bomb/Rocket Sight Range Servo
SVU-3/A Gun/Bomb/Rocket Sight Range Servo
(4...10) (No information)
SVU-11/A Gun/Bomb/Rocket Sight Range Servo
(12...27) (No information)
SVU-28/A Gun/Bomb/Rocket Sight Servo
(29...37) (No information)
SVU-38/A Gun/Bomb/Rocket Positioning Servo

SWU/SWK - Electrical Switches

(1) (No information)
SWK-2/A24T-1 Switch Box
(3) (No information)
(5...30) (No information)
SWU-31/A37 Rocket Launcher Timing Switching Unit
(32...44) (No information)
(46...56) (No information)
SWU-57/E JATO Firing Box
SWU-58/A Rotary Switch; used in AGM-86C
(59...61) (No information)
SWU-62/A Explosive Actuated Switch
(63...66) (No information)
SWU-67/B Separation Switch; used in AGM-129
SWU-68/A Countermeasures Dispenser Subassembly; used with AN/ALQ-161 on B-1B
(69...78) (No information)
SWU-79/U24T-1 Switching Unit

SXU - Scoring Devices

SXU-1/A Rocket Scoring Training Group
SXU-2/A Rocket Scoring Training Group
(3...4) (No information)
SXU-5/A Rocket Scoring Training Group
SXU-6/A Rocket Scoring Training Group

[AxU] [BxU] [CxU] [DxU] [ExU] [FxU] [GxU] [HxU] [JxU] [KxU] [LxU] [MxU] [NxU] [PxU] [RxU] [SxU] [TxU] [VxU] [WxU]

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Last Updated: 31 October 2024