Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles
Copyright © 2002 Andreas Parsch


In 1969 the USAF announced plans to develop an entirely new short-range air-to-air missile for the F-15 aircraft, which was in the development phase at that time. The designation ZAIM-82A was allocated to the project. The AIM-82 requirement called for an all-aspect fire-and-forget missile, i.e. the missile was to be able to lock onto a manouevering target from all angles, and home on the target after launch without any further input from the launching aircraft.

An RFP (Request For Proposals) was issued by the USAF to the industry in February 1970, and in April 1970 system definition contracts were let to General Dynamics, Hughes and Philco-Ford. Each company submitted proposals in July 1970, but in September that year, the AIM-82 program was cancelled. At that time the Navy had already begun its AIM-95 Agile program for a new short-range AAM for their F-14 fighter, and it was regarded as unnecessary duplication to have two very similar programs in parallel. It was decided to develop the AIM-95 only, which was then planned to be used by both Air Force and Navy aircraft. In the end, the AIM-95 was also cancelled, and both services had to go with improved models of the AIM-9 Sidewinder instead.


The AIM-82 program was cancelled before the final design was selected.

Main Sources

[1] Bill Gunston: "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Rockets and Missiles", Salamander Books Ltd, 1979
[2] R.T. Pretty, D.H.R. Archer (eds.): "Jane's Weapon Systems 1972-73", Jane's, 1973

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Last Updated: 3 October 2002