MX-1000 to MX-1499 Listing

Copyright © 2004-2005 George Cully & Andreas Parsch

[MX-1 ... MX-499] [MX-500 ... MX-999] [MX-1000 ... MX-1499] [MX-1500 ... MX-1999] [MX-2000 ... MX-2276]

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Designation Contractor Description
MX-1000 - Wind tunnel tests
MX-1001 - Inflight refueling ("Rigid Method") - optimum research with B-36 drogue/tanker, C-97 drogue/tanker, B-47 drogue/tanker
- MX-1001-A: Flight refueling tests with B-29 bomber/tanker, C-119 cargo/tanker, F-84 probe receiver
- MX-1001-B: Flight refueling hose reel assembly Mk-7, Mk-11, Mk-12 & A-12; by Flight Refueling, Ltd.
- MX-1001-C: Flight refueling hose reel assembly Mk-9, Mk-14, Mk-15, Mk-17 & A-16; by Flight Refueling, Ltd.
MX-1002 - Aerodynamic analysis of proposed Northrop high through-flow turbojet engine
MX-1003 - Preparation of technical data and drawings to facilitate use of Assisted Takeoff (ATO) rocket engines on C-45, C-47, C-54 and C-82
MX-1004 M.I.T. Investigation of bearing erosion
MX-1005 - Booster rockets
- MX-1005-A: Qualification & service testing of JATO 15KS1000, X107B1; Aerojet
- MX-1005-B: Qualification & service tests of JATO 14DS1000, X209B2; BuOrd
- MX-1005-C: Flight tests of JATO 30DS4000, T-34
- MX-1005-D: Development of solid propellant sustainer rocket for MX-904 missile (XF-98 Falcon)
- MX-1005-E: Booster rocket for MX-771 (XB-61 Matador); Army Ordnance
- MX-1005-F: ATO Rocket: 45 sec., 5,000 lb. thrust
- MX-1005-G: Extension of operating temperature limits of JATO MK 2 MOD 3 (14AS1000); Aerojet
- MX-1005-H: Low-cost solid propellant and metal parts development
- MX-1005-I: Application of 3DS47000 & 4DS105000 rockets; BuOrd
- MX-1005-J: Booster rocket for project MX-775-A (XB-62 Snark); Allegany Ballistics Lab.
- MX-1005-K: Launching rockets for target aircraft; Army Ordnance
- MX-1005-L: Development of solid propellant starter charges; BuOrd
MX-1006 - Track landing gear for B-36; see also MX-1046, MX-1047, MX-1048, MX-1049
MX-1007 - Radio controlled photoflash bomb systems
MX-1008 Westinghouse Armament study
MX-1009 A. C. Spark Plug XB-52 armament study; see also MX-839
MX-1010 Fairchild Camera & Instrument O-15 recording camera installation kit for B-36 ferret aircraft
MX-1011 Aerojet High-altitude research rocket (RTV-A-1 / X-8 Aerobee); see also MX-1961
MX-1012 - Flash suppression in night fighter aircraft
MX-1013 - Installation of R-4360 VDT engines in B-36
MX-1014 - T-200 5-inch aircraft rocket (VICAR)
MX-1015 - Air Force trainer studies on jet advanced trainer and multi-engine advanced trainer
MX-1016 - Project "Tom-Tom" (wingtip-to-wingtip link of two EF-84's to B-29)
MX-1017 Hughes / North American Fixed nose gun fire control system E-1, for XF-87 and XF-89
MX-1018 - Cold weather tests of VB-13 guided missile
MX-1019 Douglas Trainer (XT-30), Phase I
MX-1020 - Tactical bomb director
MX-1021 - Dolly for handling liquid JATO units
MX-1022 Boeing Medium bomber (XB-55)
MX-1023 - AN/APG-15B in B-50
MX-1024 - Light amplifiers
MX-1025 McDonnell Air-to-underwater missile (XAUM-N-6 Puffin)
MX-1026 - High speed bombing tests with XB-45
MX-1027 - Evaluation of bombing installation in YB-49
MX-1028 - Fire control system for B-47 & B-52
- MX-1028-A/.../F: 6 components, including modified AN/APG-26
MX-1029 - Engineering plans for ferret equipment in B-36
MX-1030 - Conversion of jet aircraft utilizing 100/130, VPH and JP-1 fuels
MX-1031 - 20mm gun in bomb bay of B-26
MX-1032 - (Unidentified title; Chemical Corps requirement)
MX-1033 Universal Molded Products High-speed aircraft rocket ballistic tests
MX-1034 General Electric Development of CHM-6 turbosupercharger
MX-1035 Armour Research Foundation Ceramic developments for aircraft powerplant components
MX-1036 - Development of remote flight control system for F-80
MX-1037 - Flexible feed chute installation for F-80A
MX-1038 General Electric Wind tunnel testing, TB3-1838, Hermes II missile
MX-1039 - Bomb release trainers for B-36, B-45 and B-50
MX-1040 - Evaluation of controllable pitch propellor
MX-1041 - Remote flight control system for heavy aircraft
MX-1042 - Protective anti-G (positive and negative) devices
MX-1043 Wright Compound engine (R-3350)
MX-1044 Joyce Cridland Pit loading equipment modification (Special Weapons Loading requirement)
MX-1045 - Muzzle blast and trunion reaction on high-speed aircraft
MX-1046 Fairchild Track landing gear for C-119B
MX-1047 Fairchild Track landing gear for C-82
MX-1048 Boeing Track landing gear for B-50
MX-1049 Firestone / Goodyear Track landing gear belt and bogie research; see also MX-1006
MX-1050 - Transverse panoramic aircraft camera
MX-1051 - Modification of B-29 for long range focal length oblique photography
MX-1052 Shell Oil Preliminary design study of Torrance Ram Jet Laboratory
MX-1053 - Heat transfer research and studies for MX-984 (Bell X-1A, X-1B & X-1D)
MX-1054 - Investigation of synthetic rubber seals used in fuel metering equipment
MX-1055 - Gun installation vibration phenomena study
MX-1056 - Optical tracking fire control system for B-45
MX-1057 - Coordination in development of new design machine guns
MX-1058 - Heated case heavy duty battery for APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) development
MX-1059 Lear Control System (A-1) of X-7 ramjet research vehicle
MX-1060 - Vertical bombing periscope redesign
MX-1061 - General purpose remote flight control simulator
MX-1062 - Optical system and window material for target seeker
MX-1063 - Infra-red target seeker, designed for application to specific guided missiles
- MX-1063-A: Target seeker (Type A-4); Servo Corp. of America
- MX-1063-B: Target seeker (Type A-5); Servo Corp. of America
- MX-1063-C: Target seeker (sensible to visible radiation)
MX-1064 Boeing Climatic hangar testing of B-50 power package
MX-1065 - Techniques and circuits for scanning radiation targets
MX-1066 Emerson Electric Fire control system (Type A-2) for B-47
MX-1067 - Inflight refueling for fighter aircraft
MX-1068 - Automatically stabilized (vertical reference corrector) camera mount
- MX-1068-A: True vertical computing system; Aeroflex Labs
MX-1069 - Analysis of aerial photography
MX-1070 - Development of canopy jettisoning methods and devices
MX-1071 - Investigation of ejection seat methods of escape at sonic speeds
MX-1072 - Development of ejection seat for TF-80C
(MX-1073) (No information)
MX-1074 - Development of ejection seat for F-82B
MX-1075 - Development of protective methods of head support for seat ejection escape
MX-1076 - Spark flash
MX-1077 - Installation of optical windows in RB-29
MX-1078 - R&D on special sensors
- MX-1078-C: Electronic direct printing camera; Haller, Raymond & Brown
MX-1079 - Development of liquid-fueled ATO (Assisted Take-Off) rocket engines for military aircraft
- MX-1079-A: Development of YLR45-AJ-1; Aerojet
- MX-1079-B: Development of YLR47-K-1; M. W. Kellogg; see also MX-1747-A
- MX-1079-C: Development of YLR49-AJ-1; Aerojet
- MX-1079-D: Design of YLR45-AJ-3; Aerojet
MX-1080 Nuclear Instrument & Chemical Corp. / Cornell Aeronautical Lab Airborne gamma radiation dosimeter
MX-1081 Frederick Flader Airborne radiation survey equipment
MX-1082 Nuclear Instrument & Chemical Corp. / Cornell Aeronautical Lab Airborne gamma radiation intensity meter
MX-1083 - Training equipment for Lark surface-to-air missile
MX-1084 Haller, Raymond & Brown Aerial camera system for direct and remote printing
MX-1085 - Test of air starter system components
MX-1086 Wesleyan University General physics of night aerial photography
MX-1087 - Development of accessory drive engine with 300 B.H.P. at 50,000 feet
- MX-1087-A: F-3, F-4, F-5 gas turbine power units; Continental, AiResearch, Boeing
- MX-1087-C: J-2 gas turbine generator set; Solar Aircraft
MX-1088 - Servomechanism amplifiers for guided missile control system
MX-1089 - Test of ceramic components for aircraft powerplants
MX-1090 Thompson / Offner / Eclipse-Pioneer / Allison Development and service test of electronic power controls for the J-35 engine
MX-1091 - Individual long range survival evasion kit
MX-1092 - All-aAtittude stabilized maneuvering flight control system for remote control of high-performance aircraft
- MX-1092-F: Air speed control utilizing magnetic amplifiers
MX-1093 - J-33 engine fog dispersal unit for Rhein-Main Air Force Base; see also MX-502
MX-1094 - Instrumentation: armament evaluation, high altitude, high speed, all altitude
MX-1095 Bell Variable sweep research aircraft (X-5)
MX-1096 - 1,500 Gal. servicing semi-trailer for liquid fuel rocket engines
MX-1097 - High precision Shoran bombing system: AN/AWA-1, AN/APN-84, Computer-Group Type K-4, CM-41/APN-84
- MX-1097-C: Radio set (AN/APN-3(XA-5))
MX-1098 Wright Jet engine development (XJ59-W-1)
MX-1099 General Electric ARO (Aircraft Rangefinding Radar) for fighter aircraft
MX-1100 McDonnell Design of a high speed propeller performance flight test vehicle (XF-88B)
MX-1101 - Radar system (AN/APQ-16)
MX-1102 - Optimum radar installation for B-45
MX-1103 - Automatic Gunlaying (AGL) for jet bombers and all-weather fighters
- MX-1103-G: Boresighting antenna
- MX-1103-H: Missile velocity detector computer
- MX-1103-I: AMTI (application of techniques to AI radar system)
MX-1104 - Radar set (AN/APQ-24)
- MX-1104-E: Position mark generator; Western Electric
MX-1105 RCA Simplified straight line computer with improved photographic recorder for high-precision Shoran (AN/APA-54(XA-2))
MX-1106 - Turbosuperchargers
MX-1107 AVCO Lycoming Oxygen-gasoline vapor generator
MX-1108 Wright Turbojet engine (XJ61-W-1)
MX-1109 Curtiss-Wright Wind tunnel tests of the KD2C-2 target pilotless aircraft
MX-1110 - Electrically conducive coated transparent areas
MX-1111 - Rocket and gunfire assessing equipment (Photo)
MX-1112 - Model test section for ten foot wind tunnel
MX-1113 - Special drone aircraft (MB-17 and DB-17) (Air Materiel Command)
MX-1114 - Antenna boresighting equipment
MX-1115 - Frost and ice removal equipment
MX-1116 Pratt & Whitney Turbojet engine (XJ57-P-1, -3); see also MX-1178
- MX-1116-A: Development of J57
- MX-1116-B: XJ57-P-5
MX-1117 Tracerlab Airborne radioactive cloud tracker
MX-1118 Kellex Airborne beta air monitor
MX-1119 - Automatic Shoran system, Mod II
MX-1120 - Aircraft assisted take off program
MX-1121 - Study and development of special electronic equipments (Special Weapons Section requirement)
MX-1122 - Investigation and evaluation of electronic systems
MX-1123 - Fuels for piston engines
MX-1124 - Rocket engine facilities and personnel planning for Muroc and training course for personnel
MX-1125 - Aircraft camera control systems
MX-1126 - Parachute system for jettisoning heavy weight from aircraft (Special Weapons requirement)
MX-1127 Continental 100 H.P. pneumatic starter
MX-1128 - Passive (infrared) target seeker components & techniques
- MX-1128-A: Infrared detectors for target seekers
- MX-1128-B: Infrared detector nonmolecular layer
- MX-1128-C: Target seeker optics
MX-1129 - Trainers for ASM-A-1 Tarzon missile
MX-1130 - All-weather interceptor simulator
MX-1131 Gilfillan Bros. Electronic countermeasures trainer (AN/GLQ-T1)
MX-1132 - Recovery system for guided missiles and target aircraft
MX-1133 - Sectionalized world globe
MX-1134 - Fuel evaporation and entrainment loss control
MX-1135 M.I.T. Design criteria study (Aircraft Lab requirement)
MX-1136 Lockheed Development of titanium aircraft and missile structures
MX-1137 - Precision automatic pilot for high-performance aircraft
MX-1138 - 3,000/6,000 PSI, 85CEM portable, multi-fuel air compressor
MX-1139 - Improved cooling for AC and DC generators
MX-1140 OSU / Wright / Marquardt / Offner Study: Development and test of general ramjet controls
MX-1141 - Proximity scorer for aerial targets
MX-1142 - Non-powered air-to-surface missile
MX-1143 - Design, development, and test of liquid cooled turbine wheel assembly
MX-1144 - Strength test of monocoque & tubular structures
MX-1145 - 14" bomb rack for 35,000 lb. load
MX-1146 Bell Rocket research aircraft (X-1B); see also MX-984 and MX-1053
MX-1147 - Preliminary survey for air-to-ground attack fire control system
MX-1148 - Modification of aircraft for special tests (Special Weapons Section requirement)
MX-1149 - Bomb handling equipment
MX-1150 - Fuel flow distribution control on turbojet and turboprop engines
MX-1151 GMC, Aeroproducts Div. Supersonic propeller for 7,500 HP (T40-A-8) engine in XF-84H
- MX-1151-A: Supersonic propeller for T40-A-8; Republic
- MX-1151-B: Supersonic propeller for T40-A-8; GMC, Allison Div.
MX-1152 - Investigation of long line tow
MX-1153 - External tank rocket boost installation on T-33A
MX-1154 - Equipment calibrating for fuel metering devices
MX-1155 - High latitude directional indicator
MX-1156 - Trainer for YSSM-A-7 "Long Range Matador" missile
MX-1157 - Project "Ripeness"
MX-1158 - 2.2" Folding Fin Air-to-Air Rocket
MX-1159 - Mobile training unit (complete) for F-94A
MX-1160 - Symmetrical wing tip tank and bomb rack
MX-1161 - Pfund sky compass, A-1 (Sperti-Faraday)
MX-1162 - External bomb rack with ejector
MX-1163 - Guided missile rack
MX-1164 - Automatic pilot (Type F-5)
MX-1165 Ryan Fuel tank purging system for B-36, B-50 and B-29
MX-1166 - Fuel tank purging system for B-36
MX-1167 - Unlimited maneuvering automatic pilot for fighter aircraft
MX-1168 - Effects of purging gases on aircraft fuel and fuel pumping systems
MX-1169 Westinghouse Turbojet engine development (XJ46-WE-1, -3)
MX-1170 - B-36D mobile training unit
(MX-1171) (No information)
MX-1172 - Performance characteristics of dual cycle turbojet engine
MX-1173 General Electric Magnetic amplifier temperature control
MX-1174 Westinghouse Turbojets (J34-WE-13, -15, -17)
MX-1175 - Increased trail and cross trail for M-9B bombsight
- MX-1175-C: Time-of-fall bombsight corrector
MX-1176 - Physics of photo interpretation
MX-1177 - Development of liquid propellant rocket controls
MX-1178 - XJ57-P-1 turbojet engine power control development and test; see also MX-1116
MX-1179 Hughes Fire control system (Type MB-1) for F-102A
MX-1180 - Long-term positive acceleration physiology
(MX-1181) (No information)
MX-1182 - Simple air cycle aircraft cooling unit
MX-1183 - Infrared defrosting and deicing
MX-1184 - Study of electric power controls for J34 and J46 engines
MX-1185 - F-86D mobile training unit
MX-1186 - B-47B mobile training unit
MX-1187 - Ballistics and fire control studies
MX-1188 - - MX-1188-A/.../E: Remote control, F-80 and T-33 aerial evaluation of fire control systems; Sperry Gyroscope
- MX-1188-F: B-Line; Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Corp.
- MX-1188-G: Shoran test equipment
- MX-1188-I: Acoustical firing error indicator; Midwest Research Institute
- MX-1188-J: F.E.I., twin carrier type CW radar; Midwest Research Institute
- MX-1188-M: Phototheodolite - time standards; Land-Air, Inc.
- MX-1188-Q: High speed tow target; Cornell Aeronautical Lab
- MX-1188-V: Fire control testing machine; Univ. of Texas
MX-1189 - Development of purging probes for jet engines
MX-1190 - Magnetic guidance system for SSM-A-1 Matador
MX-1191 - C-97A mobile training unit
MX-1192 - C-124A mobile training unit
MX-1193 Univ. of Texas Fire control testing machine
MX-1194 - C-97A simulator
MX-1195 - F-89A mobile training unit (complete)
MX-1196 - Airborne radar techniques for detection of moving targets
MX-1197 - Automatic astrocompass
MX-1198 - Light-weight X-band radar beacon for paratroop use (AN/PPN-12)
MX-1199 - Long range navigation system for fighter aircraft
MX-1200 - Automatic ground position indicator (AN/APN-66)
MX-1201 - Electronic system for air-to-air rendezvous
MX-1202 Bendix, Eclipse-Pioneer Div. Navigation: only ground position indicator (AN/APA-58(XA-1))
MX-1203 - Differential indicator and automatic draft computer for pressure pattern flying
MX-1204 - Development of direct reading low frequency Loran
MX-1205 - Development of automatic beacon for locating crashed aircraft (AN/ART-27(XA))
MX-1206 - VHF utility transmitter (AN/URC-2)
MX-1207 - Minimum crystal multi-channel VHF command set (AN/ARC-20)
MX-1208 - Airborne 225 to 400 MHz communications equipment
MX-1209 - Short range radio equipment (AN/ARC-22)
MX-1210 - Development of voice recording and reproducing systems
MX-1211 - Single pre-set channel 225 to 400 MHz radio set (AN/ARC-29)
MX-1212 - VHF/UHF emergency transceiver (AN/URC-4)
MX-1213 - Long range communication equipment (airborne liaison radio) (AN/ARC-21)
MX-1214 - Airborne 225 to 400 MHz communication relay
MX-1215 - High resolution radar in Ku band
MX-1216 - Improved display design
MX-1217 - Unattended radar (AN/APS-48)
MX-1218 - Airborne radar search equipment (AN/APS-27(XA-1))
MX-1219 - Development of airborne moving target identification system
MX-1220 - Lightweight aircraft range finding radar (AN/APG-23)
MX-1221 - Jamming transmitter (AN/APT-13)
MX-1222 - Development of proximity fuze jammer (AN/APT-13)
MX-1223 - Radio intercept receiver (AN/ARR-8)
MX-1224 - Development of radar set (AN/APQ-27)
MX-1225 - Development of radar set (AN/APQ-22)
MX-1226 Hallicrafters Jamming transmitter for AN/APT-6 (T-301(XA)/APT-6)
MX-1227 - Reflector-type radar jamming equipment, dispensed from aircraft (chaff, rope, etc.)
MX-1228 - Electronic intercept receiver (AN/APR-9)
- MX-1228-D: Frequency time recorder (RD-57/ALH); Polarad
MX-1229 - Electronic intercept receiver for SHF (K-band)
MX-1230 - Airborne X-band jamming equipment
MX-1231 Loral-Maryland Electronics Advanced pulse analyzer (AN/APA-64)
MX-1232 - Instantaneous receiver techniques
MX-1233 - Development of advanced search receiver system (.10 to 1,000 MHz)
MX-1234 Engineering Associates Research on dielectric recording of video signals
MX-1235 - Airborne electronic semi-automatic jamming system
MX-1236 - Remote control system (20 to 175 miles) (AN/APW-11)
(MX-1237) (No information)
MX-1238 Melpar Radio equipment for remote control flight testing (AN/DRA-2)
MX-1239 - Television equipment for flight testing airplanes
MX-1240 - Telemetric transmitters and receivers
- MX-1240-A: Telemetric data transmitting set (AN/AKT-6) and telemetric data receiving set (AN/UKR-1); Radiation, Inc.
- MX-1240-B: Telemetric data transmitting set (AN/AKT-14( )) and telemetric data receiving set (AN/UKR-7( )); Melpar, Inc.
MX-1241 - Radar target seekers
MX-1242 - Television equipment for drone aircraft:
- AN/AXR-8(XA-1); Philco Corp.
- AN/AXR-9(XA-1); RCA, Victor Div.
- AN/AXT-10(XA-1); RCA
MX-1243 - Shoran air-to-ground missile control system
MX-1244 - Radar remote control for drone and target aircraft
MX-1245 - Test equipment for S-band and X-band beacon systems
MX-1246 - TS-599 microwave peak power measurement equipment
MX-1247 - Radar altimeter test equipment
MX-1248 - Electronic test equipment for ECM transmitters
MX-1249 - Electronic test equipment for ECM receivers
MX-1250 - Determination of general purpose type electronics test equipment requirements
MX-1251 - General purpose AC voltmeter
MX-1252 - Investigation of substitutes for quartz crystals for frequency control (MX-982( )/U, MX-108(XA)/U); new methods of electronic frequency control
MX-1253 - Anti-jamming techniques for airborne radar
MX-1254 - Study of infrared propagation through the atmosphere
MX-1255 - Instrumentation and investigation of antenna measurements
MX-1256 Cornell Univ. / Univ. of Texas / Univ. of Dayton Measurements and studies of high altitude radio frequency propagation
MX-1257 Fed. Telecomm Labs Long-distance electronic communication techniques
MX-1258 - Electronic jamming techniques for missile guidance systems
MX-1259 - Airborne interphone equipment
MX-1260 - Instantaneous direction finding equipment
MX-1261 Ohio State Univ., Gabriel Labs / Federal Tele-Communication Labs / Dalmo-Victor Co., Electronics Research Lab Advanced antenna design (for guided missiles and new aircraft)
MX-1262 - Cooling systems for AN/APQ-29 high power airborne radar
MX-1263 - Radar map comparator system
MX-1264 - High resolution radar techniques
MX-1265 - Study of spacing of mapping aAircraft
MX-1266 - Anti-jamming for missile control systems
MX-1267 - Study of repeater type jamming system
MX-1268 - Study of reflection characteristics of aircraft
MX-1269 - Radar map matching technique for airborne radar
MX-1270 - Study of strategic reconnaissance radar systems & airborne radar search recce systems
- MX-1270-B: Recorder group (OA-( )(XA-21)/APQ-38) for ultrasonic light modulator radar strip recorder; Freed Radio Corp.
- MX-1270-C: Recorder group (OA-( )(XA-22)/APQ-45) for ultrasonic light modulator radar PPI recorder; Freed Radio Corp.
- MX-1270-H: Plan position radar recorder (RD-( )(XA-23)/APS); General Position Lab
MX-1271 - Studies of special RF assemblies for use in airborne radar equipment
MX-1272 Dalmo-Victor Co. / Franklin Institute Study of terrain reflection characteristics
MX-1273 - Evaluation of millimeter radar
MX-1274 - New radar techniques for airborne interceptor
MX-1275 - Planning for communication, navigation and traffic control systems
MX-1276 - Data reduction and analysis for atmospheric research
MX-1277 - Fundamental properties of the atmosphere
(MX-1278) (No information)
MX-1279 - Supporting equipment and techniques for atmospheric studies
MX-1280 - Atmospheric radiation
MX-1281 - Ionosphere physics
MX-1282 - Fundamental physics of clouds
MX-1283 - Forecasting meteorological elements
MX-1284 - Physical properties of the lithosphere
(MX-1285) (No information)
MX-1286 - Research on volumetric presentation
MX-1287 - Receiver circuit research
MX-1288 - High density information transmission research
MX-1289 - Fundamental ground radar research
MX-1290 - Lens antenna (XSNK bands)
MX-1291 - Video relay research
MX-1292 - High power modulator research
MX-1293 - High speed response indicator research
MX-1294 - Volumetric scanning radar
MX-1295 - Research on parallel operation of transmitters and feeds for radar fence
MX-1296 - Communications circuit research
MX-1297 - Electronically steerable antenna research
(MX-1298 ... 1299) (No information)
MX-1300 - Analysis of non-linear systems
MX-1301 - Airborne antenna research
MX-1302 - IFF research
MX-1303 - Electronic materials research
MX-1304 - Triangulation control of guided missiles
MX-1305 - Reflecting properties of targets and radar confusion devices
(MX-1306) (No information)
MX-1307 - Generation of UHF CW power at high power levels
MX-1308 - Potentiometer research
MX-1309 - Thermo noise research
MX-1310 - Generation and transmission of electromagnetic energy
MX-1311 - Arctic propagation study
MX-1312 - Tropospheric effects on electromagnetic wave propagation
MX-1313 - Microwave radio relay station
MX-1314 - Radio wave analysis central
MX-1315 - UHF I KW amplifier modulator group (OA-105/GRC) for ground-to-air radio communications
MX-1316 - Broadband directional antennas
MX-1317 - High efficiency low level modulation system for AM transmitters
MX-1318 - Radio communication anti-jamming
MX-1319 - 100-400 MHz UHF crash rescue communications equipment (AN/URC-5)
MX-1320 - Vehicular installation of forward area UHF and HF radio sets
MX-1321 - Communications equipment in crash rescue trucks
MX-1322 - Study of automatic transmission of information within USAF systems
MX-1323 - Broadband UHF antenna coupler
MX-1324 - Development of VHF/UHF ground radio communication equipment for GCA (100-400 MHz) (AN/GRC-30)
MX-1325 - Engineer mockups of standard radar and radio communications equipment for USAF crash rescue boats
MX-1326 - Radio control tower communication equipment (AN/GRR-7 and AN/GRT-3)
MX-1327 - Radio Set (AN/CRC-6)
MX-1328 - Ground-to-air long range (3000 miles) communications
MX-1329 - 225-400 MHz UHF pack set
MX-1330 - Forward area UHF radio set
MX-1331 - Visual message presentation, ground portion
MX-1332 - Speech compression equipment for communications nets
MX-1333 - Radio set (AN/CRD-6)
MX-1334 - Remote VHF direction finder
MX-1335 - Direction finder signal-to-noise improvement kit
MX-1336 - Ground recorder and direction finder equipment for use with emergency crash locator beacon
MX-1337 - Development of multi-signal UHF direction finder
MX-1338 - Development of radar antenna remoting equipment
(MX-1339) (No information)
MX-1340 - Remoting equipment for ground radar operations
MX-1341 - New techniques for moving target indicator radar
MX-1342 - 5-30 MHz electromagnetic wave propagation
MX-1343 - Development of PPI propagation plotting equipment
MX-1344 - Development of track-while-scan equipment
MX-1345 - Improvement and refinement of radio equipment
MX-1346 - High power components for S-band ground radar equipment
MX-1347 - Moving target indicator kit (MX-563( )/CPS-1)
MX-1348 - Development of semi-automatic GCI components
MX-1349 - Long-range FM doppler ground radar system
MX-1350 - L-Band multiple beam radar equipment
MX-1351 - Investigation of long range radio detection techniques
MX-1352 - Development of ground portion of ACC
MX-1353 - Long range S-band height finder (AN/FPS-6)
MX-1354 - Mobile long range search radar set (AN/MPS-10)
MX-1355 - Improvement of radar set (AN/TPS-10B)
MX-1356 - MTI for AN/CPS-5
MX-1357 - Development of radar set (AN/FPS-7)
MX-1358 - Bomb scoring and close support simulator equipment
MX-1359 - Modification kit for video mapping (MX-843/CPS)
MX-1360 - Airport taxi control system
MX-1361 - "Navascreen" air traffic display system
MX-1362 - Automatic ground-controlled radio approach system (AN/FPN-22)
MX-1363 - Omni-directional VHF radio range (AN/FRN-12A)
MX-1364 - "Navaglobe" long distance radio navigation system (AN/FRN-10)
MX-1365 - 1000 MHz landing system
MX-1366 - Military polar coordination system
MX-1367 - Altitude layer presentation
(MX-1368) (No information)
MX-1369 - Automatic electronic air situation evaluator
MX-1370 - Development of improved Mark X IFF system for USAF requirements
MX-1371 - Unattended X-band ground beacon (AN/FPN-13)
MX-1372 - Droppable X-band radar beacon (AN/FPN-18( ) and AN/FPN-23( ))
MX-1373 - Development of ground surveillance radar set (AN/FPN-16)
MX-1374 - Development of ground surveillance radar set (AN/CPN-18)
MX-1375 - Aircraft position display equipment
MX-1376 - "Cyclan" long range guidance system for missiles (AN/FPN-14)
MX-1377 - 100 KHz Loran electronic long range navigation system
MX-1378 - Study and development of omnidirectional beacon
MX-1379 - Automatic tracking radar set (AN/MPS-6)
(MX-1380) (No information)
MX-1381 - WHYN long range radio guidance system
MX-1382 - Voice frequency recorder for control towers
MX-1383 - Study and development of control tower instrumentation
MX-1384 - AEI plotting equipment
MX-1385 - Monitor beacon kit for ground radar set
MX-1386 - Development of broadband test antenna
MX-1387 - Microwave bridge components (broadband tee section)
MX-1388 - Crystal mixers and tunable holders
MX-1389 - Impedence and VSWR (20-40,000 MHz) measuring equipment
MX-1390 - Development of transmission line adapters (waveguide to coaxial, coaxial to coaxial, and coaxial to open wire)
MX-1391 - Broadband (8,200-40,000 MHz) waveguide attenuators
MX-1392 - Automatic power measuring equipment
MX-1393 Polytechnic Research & Development Development of cavity type frequency meters (550-4,000 MHz)
MX-1394 - High power IF noise source
MX-1395 - Development of high power dummy loads
MX-1396 - Study and development of microwave noise source
MX-1397 - Broadband windows for microwave components
MX-1398 - FM signal generator
MX-1399 - Power meter program
MX-1400 - 900-3,100 MHz spectrum analyzer
MX-1401 - Field type X-band VSWR test equipment
MX-1402 - Field type automatic antenna pattern recorder
MX-1403 - Interference reduction
MX-1404 - High latitude electromagnetic wave propagation
MX-1405 - 10-500 KHz electromagnetic wave propagation
MX-1406 - Operation "Beetle", 180 KHzc
MX-1407 - Fabrication of tracking radar for missile control
MX-1408 - Layout and instrumentation of equipment in optimum design information centers
MX-1409 - Air defense systems study
MX-1410 - Radome standards for ground radar requirements
MX-1411 - Development and evaluation of low(?!?) total impulse liquid propellant rockets
- MX-1411-A: Development of high impulse rocket for long range missile; North American Aviation
- MX-1411-B: Rocket research at California Institute of Technology
- MX-1411-C: Development of a 2.75" liquid propellant armament rocket (XLR55-NA-1); North American Aviation
- MX-1411-D: Combustion vibration research in liquid propellant rocket; North American Aviation
- MX-1411-F: R&D on rockets using high impulse propellants; OSU Res. Found.
- MX-1411-H: Research on cooling of high impulse liquid propellant rockets; NACA
- MX-1411-I: Liquid oxygen/JP-4 rocket development; North American Aviation
(MX-1412) (No information)
MX-1413 - Electrically operated fragmentation bomb rack
MX-1414 - Static ground phase of 1951 atomic test (Operation "Greenhouse")
MX-1415 - Differential elevation equipment for vertical control
MX-1416 - Air Materiel Command photography for Atomic Energy Commission
MX-1417 - Experimental program in meteorology for 1951 atomic tests (Operation "Greenhouse")
MX-1418 - Geophysical aspects of atomic warfare
MX-1419 - Radio system for initial guidance of missiles (Azusa)
MX-1420 - Communication and navigation anti-jamming radar research
MX-1421 General Electric Remote sighting arrangement for fire control application
MX-1422 - Modification of K-1 & K-2 bombing systems to incorporate doppler ground speed & drift
MX-1423 - AVRAD Computer (Armament Lab requirement)
MX-1424 - - MX-1424-A: Ballistics computers for strategic bombing systems
MX-1425 - Aeronautical ice research laboratory
MX-1426 Westinghouse Turbojets (XJ30-WE-7, -WE-9, -P-7, -P-9)
MX-1427 Westinghouse Turbojets (XJ34-WE-1, -5, -7, -9)
MX-1428 - J35 combustion chamber development
MX-1429 Ranger Tenner Turbojet (XJ63-R-1)
MX-1430 - Bomb transport dolly, 12,000 lb. capacity
MX-1431 - Airborne cloud base and top indicator
MX-1432 - Fuze for air burst bombs
MX-1433 - Development of a mobile VHF omni-range and DME system (OBDM Equipment)
MX-1434 - High power components for L-band ground radar equipment
MX-1435 - Frangible housing for rocket cluster launchers
MX-1436 - 15.2mm T-45 gun feeding and firing system development
MX-1437 - Supersonic propeller for 5,000 H.P. engine at 50,000 feet altitude rating
MX-1438 - Infrared detection
MX-1439 - Built-in special test equipment for radar sets
MX-1440 - Study and Development of a Receiver Sensitivity Test
MX-1441 - High speed bombing radar
MX-1442 - Radar bomb scoring tone device
MX-1443 Sperry Gyroscope Interchangeability redesign of A-1C G.B.R. sight, A-4
MX-1444 - Electric motor driven high capacity stationary air conditioner
MX-1445 - NORBS (Non-Radiation Bombing System)
MX-1446 - Study of helicopter method for mapping control
MX-1447 Pratt & Whitney Turbojets (J48-P-1, -3)
MX-1448 - Microwave hybrid impedance bridge
MX-1449 - T-130 15.2mm gun and accessories
MX-1450 Wright Field AeroMedical Laboratory Research into the physiology of rocket flight (high-altitude animal experiments using ballons and rockets)
MX-1451 Air Reduction Co. Airborne gas recovery unit (B/7)
MX-1452 - Blast loads criteria
MX-1453 - Wrap-around counter radiac set
MX-1454 - Study of broadband automatic test equipment
MX-1455 - Study and development of band pass measuring techniques and equipment
MX-1456 - Mathematical computer research
MX-1457 Boeing Project "Brass Ring" (hydrogen bomb delivery by unmanned MB-47 aircraft, using DB-47 director aircraft); a.k.a. Project "Caucasian"
MX-1458 - Modification and processing of A-1 oxygen generator units & training and operators (B/20 Unit, modified Type A-1)
MX-1459 - Animated panels trainer for F-84D
MX-1460 - High altitude bailouts
MX-1461 - Operation "Greenhouse", Project 8.1 (atomic test preparation)
MX-1462 - Operation "Greenhouse", Project 5.2 (atomic test preparation); see also MX-1690-J
MX-1463 - Development of 2-400 MHz test oscillator
MX-1464 - 10-440 MHz signal generator
(MX-1465) (No information)
MX-1466 - Installation of AN/ARC-19 in ordnance vehicles
MX-1467 - Development of audio phase meter
MX-1468 - Applied research on short range high precision radar techniques
MX-1469 - Development of 2-400 MHz test oscillator
MX-1470 - Electronic landing approach system
MX-1471 - In-flight vibration tests
MX-1472 - Design and development of monocoque structures
MX-1473 - Development of airborne electronic aids to identification (IFF)
MX-1474 - Simulator trainer for B-47B
MX-1475 - Research on data utilization
MX-1476 - Airport primary surveillance radar
MX-1477 - L-band beam systems
MX-1478 - Automatic precision radar approach
MX-1479 - Traffic control precision radar approach (PAR-1)
MX-1480 - Study of ultimate program PAR system (ground components) (ANDB Project 9.5)
MX-1481 - Airport surface detection equipment
MX-1482 - New techniques for automatic jamming systems
MX-1483 Republic Floating wing tips on F-84
MX-1484 - Development of ceramic or cermet nozzle and turbine blading for gas turbines
MX-1485 - Simulator trainer for B-36F
MX-1486 Fairchild, Stratos Div. Portable ground aircraft fuel cooler (Types C-2 and C-1)
MX-1487 - Nitric acid booster pumps for rocket engines
MX-1488 - Indexing camera and indexing systems (Type V-1)
MX-1489 - Non-electric (cartridge) starters for gas turbine engines
- MX-1489-A: Starters (Types N-1, MA-1, Q-1, P-1, P-3, M-3, M-4, M-5, M-6, MB-1, MB-2, MB-3, MB-4)
- MX-1489-B: Combustion starter for XJ53, XJ57 & other advanced engines
- MX-1489-C: AiResearch ATS-35 pneumatic starters (Types M-1 and M-2)
MX-1490 - General studies and test methods of non-rotating powerplants
MX-1491 - Study to increase the range of UHF communications
MX-1492 - Primary radar antenna polarization study
MX-1493 - Improved bombing accuracy
MX-1494 Jackson & Moreland Aircraft armament development manual
MX-1495 - Atmospheric probing techniques
MX-1496 - Technical material and services for geophysical research
MX-1497 - Aircraft fuel and propellant filters (OSU, Purolator, Fram)
MX-1498 - Project "Moby Dick" (high-altitude balloon research program); included forecasting of atmospheric circulation; also used as "cover" for classified reconnaissance balloon programs (MX-1594 "Gopher", later WS-119L)
MX-1499 - Forecasting of atmospheric turbulence and diffusion

[MX-1 ... MX-499] [MX-500 ... MX-999] [MX-1000 ... MX-1499] [MX-1500 ... MX-1999] [MX-2000 ... MX-2276]

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Last Updated: 20 November 2005